Pokhara, Bandipur and Nepal's largest cave

Phewa Lake You are a traveller. You are sat on a rowing boat crossing Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal. Your companions are balanced precariously on the opposite side. The bearded one is in the middle, anchoring his long-limbed weight to the centre. The curly-haired one is posing for photos on the other end, with panoramic views of the hills serving as a backdrop. Your driver is about 90 years old. The wrinkles on his face are like rivers. He paddles slowly and with huge effort. About halfway through he stops rowing to dig a bit of chewing tobacco from his pack and carefully applies it to the inside of his cheek. The lake is peaceful, a welcome escape from Pokhara. World Peace Pagoda, Pokhara On the other side of the lake you climb the steps to the World Peace Pagoda. It was founded by a Japanese man, Nichidastsu Fujii, who aimed to build 100 World Peace Pagodas dedicated to Buddhism. This one is the 71st. Near the shrine there is an American woman with white hair talking loud...